Saturday, 28 May 2011

Competition Time! Win a Quote for Father's day.

Win a 'Child's Quote' from Blockart in time for Father's Day!
 Father's day is looming, and Tesco's is stocking up it's sock/hanky/beer isle.  This year, give him something different - and something which you will like too.  Celebrate the madness that is childhood by immortalising one of their funny little sayings on a block.

It's competition time!

In time for Father's day, I am giving away a child's quote block.  All you have to do to win the block is follow my blog, and Blockarts facebook page and then leave a comment below telling me the quote that you would put on your block.  The winner will be chosen by me, and will be based on the most appealing quote!

Get your thinking caps on, I am looking forwards to having a chuckle at the funny children's sayings...

(If you already follow both, please feel free to enter!)


  1. "Yes, Dad, you are tall, dark and handsome. Now give me that fiver you owe me."

    Amy, age 11.

    I think my OH is going through a very late mid-life crisis, lol.

    Great competition prize. I'll spread the word on Twitter.
    CJ xx

  2. Hello I am a new follower via Brit Mums! Looking forward to reading more! My blog is x

  3. Popped over from BritMums - hello fellow blogger...

    I would put the following on a block: 'Happy 1st Fathers Day as my Daddy love Tala xx'

    I have followed your blog and liked Blockarts FB page x

  4. Hi,

    Mine would say:

    "Daddy I cant believe my brain."

    Makes no sense to anyone else but if you are intrigued the explanation is here -

    It sums up my daughters re belief in all things magical....

    My hubby would love it immortalised forever with love from Monkey Molly age 5 on the bottom!

    have followed etc

  5. Hi, great competition! Im following your blog via rss and have followed blockarts facebook page. My quote would be
    "When my heart pumps up and gets bigger and bigger and biggest and pops, thats when I love someone"
    Jamie, age 4 1/2

  6. I love this! I've followed both here & on fb.
    My quote would be
    'Daddy, it morningtime now. I been sleeping too long.'
    6.15am 1/6/11. Sam aged 2 3/4.

  7. Beautiful Items! And great competition.

    If I am lucky enough to win I would like the following -

    "Because Step-Daddies need celebrating too!

    With Love from Beth & Maddy"

    Following your blog and liked on FB @Zoë L E Calvert

    x x

  8. 'Daddy feeds me dog food. And cereal.'

    Phoebe Aged 2.

    Hee hee, a fresh quote from my slightly odd (and lying) little girl

    C xx

  9. new follower from britmums...please follow me back at

  10. Hello, popping over from

    Great blog! My quote would be 'look! I've got coco pops all over my face!' (she meant chicken pox)

    Following you, please follow back if you like my blog :-)

  11. Great idea!
    It's the Daddy's birthday at the end of the month, must ask him what his kids fave thing is to say and get it blocked!
